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- Real-Time Information Management in Industrial Facilities -

Forklift Tracking System

Real Time Forklift Location Tracking

With real-time forklift and construction equipment monitoring and management, real-time location tracking of forklifts can be made within the facility. Remote management and monitoring opportunities are maximized by providing necessary controls, warnings and inhibitions according to operating rules.

Efficiency and Security

  • The location and instantaneous working status of forklifts can be monitored instantly and retrospectively on the map.

  • Working information of forklift and forklift operators can be reported.

  • It helps to increase efficiency by reporting where and how long the forklifts stay.

  • It gives a warning/alarm when forklifts get closer than a certain distance between them.

  • It is possible to operate forklifts with personnel cards and to detect contact and motion states.

  • It helps you manage periodic maintenance and other checks.

  • Job assignments can be made to the forklift operator.

Industry & Industry 4.0 Solutions

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