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- Real Time IoT & RTLS Solutions -

IoT & RTLS for Mining and Construction

Navbea provides real-time personnel monitoring and security solutions, especially the creation of micro location-based positioning (personnel monitoring-reporting) and emergency warning systems, by using communication technologies suitable for the structure in the work site, in order to monitor the health and safety of personnel working underground or at construction sites. offers.

Maximum safety and efficiency in hazardous work areas

In order to prevent loss of life and property instant tracking of personnel and in case of emergency, thanks to the automatic warning system early alarm ve how many personnel are at the accident disaster point knowledge is possible. The system software is web-based, platform-independent, and monitoring and reports can be monitored 7 hours a day, 24 days a week, by authorized persons, regardless of location.

MineMesh is a Navbea Solution.

Digital Sketch

  • Live View
  • Speed ​​Dial
  • Person/Device Tracking

Personnel Reports

  • Working Times
  • Rule Violations
  • Mission Tracking

Special Reports

  • Inactivity
  • Alarm Reports
  • Leave / Absence


  • Gathering Area
  • Who is where?
  • Panic Button

Sensor Management

  • Environment Monitoring
  • Lighting Management
  • Motion Tracking

Alarm system

  • Asset Monitoring
  • Authority Control
  • Instant Alert


Some of the solutions offered by Navbea platform and equipment to transform access to real-time information to maximum benefit in mining and construction work sites:

Personnel Positioning and Social Distance Analysis

Real-time positioning, measurement and evaluation of personnel on the digital sketch is of great importance, especially in terms of safety and efficiency. With social distance wristbands, risky people are automatically determined by monitoring their daily HES code status with social distance analysis and filiation solutions in working environments. In case of illness in any employee, the people he has been in contact with are reported.

Emergency Management

Navbea makes it easy to manage emergencies with wearable sensors. When people stay motionless for more than a defined time, press the emergency button or fall, the system detects this and instantly informs the relevant points about the personnel information and location. Wearable sensors have an Emergency (SOS) button. The last positions of the personnel who come to the assembly areas in Emergency Situations and the personnel who do not come are displayed instantly. It offers fast polling.

Ambient Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

It enables the measurement and monitoring of the environment in designated areas, collecting, monitoring and reporting in a single center with the appropriate sensors. It provides detailed reporting in web and mobile environments with the option of wired or wireless infrastructure, depending on the area to be applied, to monitor all environmental values, to generate alarms in case of exceeding the ambient reference values ​​(sms, siren, mobile notification, security notification) Triggering the processes defined in case of alarm.

Personnel Time Tracking

In many developed countries, the elderly population is increasing rapidly. Providing safe and comfortable care for aging people is an important social goal. In addition, obtaining accurate activity and real-time location information for an elderly person and rapid response in case of a fall or emergency are of great importance.

Real-Time Data Collection

Navbea supports M2M technology. Real-time data obtained from devices at work sites can be monitored and reported on the Navbea platform. It offers solutions in production and efficiency issues with scenarios such as monitoring equipment, creating alarms within the framework of defined rules.

Real-Time IoT-RTLS Platform offers solutions with high return on investment in Mining and Construction industries.

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